
Showing posts from October, 2022

Summary reader response and analysis draft 3

    University of Minnesota Duluth's article ''Solar Power: A Feasible Future'' (Thomas, 2017) talks about what are solar panels and what are they made up of.  According to Nathan Thomas, a solar panel consists of numerous small cells known as photovoltaic cells (PV cells) "linked together make up a solar panel" (Dhar, Harvey, 2022). These cells are made up of "a top layer of metal conductor strips" "a layer of antireflective coating" and "two silicon layers and a metal backing" (Thomas, 2017). Silicon are semiconductors which are an in between of proper conductors like metals and insulators such as rubbers and may not conduct electricity at room temperatures, only when heated up (Thomas, 2017).      Photovoltaic cells ''converts sunlight to electricity''(Thomas, 2017) "by allowing photons, or particles of light, to knock electrons free from atoms, generating a flow of electricity" (Dhar, Harvey, 2022

Summary reader response analysis draft 2

  University of Minnesota Duluth's article ''Solar Power: A Feasible Future'' (Thomas, 2017) talks about what are solar panels and what are they made up of.   According to Nathan Thomas, a solar panel consists of numerous small cells known as photovoltaic cells (PV cells) "linked together make up a solar panel" (Dhar, Harvey, 2022). These cells are made up of "a top layer of metal conductor strips" "a layer of antireflective coating" and "two silicon layers and a metal backing" (Thomas, 2017). Silicon are semiconductors which are an in between of proper conductors like metals and insulators such as rubbers and may not conduct electricity at room temperatures, only when heated up (Thomas, 2017).   Photovoltaic cells ''converts sunlight to electricity''(Thomas, 2017) "by allowing photons, or particles of light, to knock electrons free from atoms, generating a flow of electricity" (Dhar, Harvey, 2022).